Community Profile: Agha

Agha is currently part of our Advanced English class and our Employment & Workplace Communication class. Thanks, Agha, for participating in this week’s community profile and for sharing your experiences with us!


Tell us about yourself.

Hi everyone, my name is Agha. I am from Indonesia and I just arrived in Vancouver last March. I am a Risk Manager and Internal Auditor by profession. I love traveling, learning about new cultures, and taking great pictures. This is my first time living abroad, and I feel blessed that it's in Canada. I am very excited to start this new life chapter and look forward to the adventures that await.

How do you spend your free time in Vancouver?

I am very new here and still figuring things out. I hope to find some groups or communities that share same interests. In my free time, I love discovering and visiting new places around Vancouver. Since Vancouver is famous for its beautiful landscapes, I hope to start hiking someday soon.   

What some challenges you’ve faced with moving to Canada?

The most challenging part has been speaking English fluently, as it is not my first language. Additionally, living far from my beloved family and friends is one of the hardest aspects of living abroad. However, these challenges have made me a more resilient person. I have learned to trust in myself and strive to make good progress each day.   

Which place would you recommend to someone visiting your country?

I never get tired of recommending people to visit Bali because of its undeniably enchanting culture and amazing food. For a less touristy option, I suggest visiting Labuan Bajo and Sumba in East Nusa Tenggara. Please add Labuan Bajo and Sumba to your next travel bucket list. You can Google them to see why they are must-visit destinations!

What are you hoping to achieve during your time at MOSAIC?

I hope to speak English more fluently and confidently. I am very enthusiastic about attending the class because the teacher, Jordi, is excellent, and I am surrounded by classmates who share the same spirit in improving their English skills.   

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