If you believe that there may be an error in your IELTS score, you can request a remarking. This process is called an Enquiry on Results or (EOR). The process for EOR is different for Computer Delivered tests and Paper based tests.

For Paper based tests, the EOR request can be submitted by filling out the EOR form and paying associated charges (information given below).

For Computer Delivered tests, Login into your British Council portal and you can directly apply for EOR.

* Please read the page below for complete information before requesting your EOR (Paper based test only) .*


+ What is the deadline for applying for an EOR?

The EOR request should be made within six weeks of the test date.

+ What is the fee for an EOR?

The fee for the EOR is $230.

+ How long does an EOR request take to process?

Remarking may take up to 21 days depending on several factors, including the number of sections for which remarking was requested.

+ What happens if the mark remains the same?

Your original Test Report Form (TRF) will remain valid.

The EOR fee is non-refundable.

MOSAIC engage will send you a notification informing you of the result.

+ What happens when the mark is changed to a higher score?

You will be issued an EOR letter stating the outcome of remarking. This letter can take several days to be delivered on top of the 21 days for remarking.

You will be required to return your previously issued TRF (Test Report Form) before a new one can be issued.

You will receive a refund for your EOR application, fee minus an administrative fee of $25.

+ What are the STEPS to requesting an EOR?

It is to very easy to fill out the EOR Form, Click on the following: EOR FORM and pay the associated charges to submit your request.