Community Profile: Alejandra

Tell me about yourself?

My name is Alejandra. I am originally from Mexico and moved to Vancouver five months ago. I am a curious soul who loves exploring. I’m a nature lover, and during the last couple of years I have discovered a passion for learning languages.

What was your expectation before moving to Canada?

One of my main expectations was to find a good work-life balance. In professional terms, it was to find a stable job that would fulfill me and provide me with an opportunity to continue learning, and in my free time to have a possibility to continue doing what I love in a safe and more open minded environment.

Additionally, the last years of my study in Mexico were dedicated to learning about human migration, and one of my motives was to experience Canada as a multicultural country first hand. I was fascinated with the idea of being able to meet people from all over the world, to get to know about other countries through their experience, feel immersed in different cultures and their customs, this time not only as a reader but as an active participant.

What do you want to accomplish in Canada?

I would like to continue exploring other areas of my studies, improve my English and hopefully learn another language, find a balance between work and life and continue doing what I am passionate about in all aspects of my life.

What do you do in your spare time in Canada, and what about in your home country? What are the main differences?

I usually spend my spare time with my partner and together we mostly venture out to ride bikes. Sometimes we play basketball, and lately we started to play tennis as well. What I like about Canada is that each season has its charm, and the activities change with them. Let's see what activities we discover in winter, maybe it’s time to try snowboarding. :)

In Mexico I used to do outdoor activities in nature, explore cities, meet with my friends and family, celebrate birthdays and partake in various traditional festivals. For me, one of the differences in Vancouver is that being a newcomer it can take time to build your circle of friends. I feel that the interaction between people is different, and it can be a challenge to find your place in the community.

How are you enjoying your time in Canada and also your time at MOSAIC Engage?

I enjoy exploring places to hike, and during the weekend I like to ride my bike. I like trying different cuisines, and now that it's fall I'm ready to grab my camera and capture the amazing colors. At Mosaic I have found a very professional, supportive and respectful team, always willing to help. I have learned a lot in terms of language, culture, and I have had the opportunity to meet many interesting people along the way.

Being a migrant is not always easy, yet it is still a great opportunity for an adventure.

Zach J