Community Profile: Patricio

Patricio is one of our Advanced level students at Metrotown, and this week he gave an interview with us for the community profile. Thanks for sharing, Patricio!


Tell us about yourself!

My name is Patricio, I am a Business Engineer by profession and I am from Chile (South of Chile), from the city of Puerto Varas. I am moving with my wife and my two youngest children in December 2023 to Vancouver. I am an International Student here in Canada.

How do you spend your free time in Vancouver?

I just finished last week my study program in Business, as I have a work-study visa, I have been able to work part-time and full time during the break periods. In my spare time, we tour the city with my wife and kids.

Where is the best place in Vancouver to get food from your country?

The truth is that we have had a hard time doing that, as far as Latin Americans are concerned, you find more Mexican and Colombian food, but in those chop bars we have found some things from our country.

What challenges did you face when moving to Canada?

Varied, a major life change, moving with my wife and children, David and Paula, my oldest son Emilio moved to Moncton NB, Canada two years ago. For my wife and I, it has been a big change, we are already “big”, 53 and 54 years old, it has been quite a challenge, but very motivating.

What do you hope to accomplish during your time at MOSAIC?

For me, besides improving my English, it is a meeting point to get to know other people and establish connections, which is very important when moving to a new country.

Zach J