Community Profile: Year End Goals

This month we said “goodbye and see you again soon” to many of our staff and students as we prepare to take a month-long break from our English classes.

For this week’s community profile, we shared a few pictures from our holiday parties and asked people to share with us their goals for 2024.

We’ll be back in class next year on January 15th, and registration is already open so don’t miss your chance to sign up at See you in 2024!

James: “I want to start a reading list, and work on reading more in 2024”

Jordan: “I would say do yoga every day. I already do that, but I guess I want to continue for 2024.”

Elsa: “I want to open a company next year”

Mario: “Me too!”

Chelsea: “I’m having a baby next year, so I guess my goal is to learn how to change diapers.”

Jordi: “I want to find the motivation to do more fun activities!”

Blanca: “My goal for 2024 is life!”

Aldo: “My goal is becoming more handsome!”

Zach: “I want to go on an overnight bike trip, carrying all my camping gear with me on the bike.”

Yeonkab: “I want to travel to Spain this year.”

Zach J