Events in Vancouver: Nikkei Matsuri

Save the Date! This weekend is Nikkei Matsuri, a 2-day celebration of Japanese arts and culture through food, music, entertainment, Japanese-style kids games and more!

This yearly festival has been happening since 2013, and the funds raised go towards supporiting the Nikkei Centre’s cultural, educational, and museum projects. The Nikkei Centre’s mission is to honour, preserve, and share Japanese culture and Japanese Canadian history and heritage.

You’ll find performaces of Japanese music and art, food stalls, beer gardens, music, a marketplace, and a game zone!

When? Friday, Saturday & Sunday, September 1-3, 2023 from 11am - 7pm

Where? The Nikkei Centre at 6688 Southoaks Crescent, Burnaby BC

How much? $8.40 on Eventbrite

Take a detailed look at the events program here:

Zach J