IELTS Tips: On Test Day
Preparing for IELTS can be a long and challenging journey, and it all culminates on testing day. This day can be super stressful for a lot of students, so today’s IELTS Tips is all about what to do on the morning of your big test.
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get enough sleep: By far the best thing you can do to sharpen your mind before a big test is get enough sleep. Don’t stay up all night cramming at the last minute; you’re only hurting your chances of success. Get a solid 8 hours of rest before your test day.
eat a good breakfast: Your brain needs fuel to function, so don’t skip breakfast on the big day. You might want to skip the froot loops and avoid the sugar crash too! Instead, try a breakfast with whole grains and plenty of protein to fuel your body and mind all day.
speak english before the test: You don’t want to go into the test while you’re still thinking in your first language. Try to switch your brain into “English mode” on the morning of your test by speaking English with someone before you leave the house. Do you have a roommate or a spouse who can help? Or maybe call a friend. If all else fails, speak out loud to yourself. It will make a difference in your performance!
dress comfortable and confident: You’ll be in the testing centre for quite a while on your test day, so it’s important to dress comfortably. Make sure you are comfortable sitting in your outfit for long peridods of time. However, even if your dirty old sweatpants are comfy, they might not always be the best choice. You will want to feel confident during your speaking exam, so dress comfy, but all in a way that makes you feel ready to interact with your examiner.
arrive early: It’s always helpful to scope a place out before a big exam. Arrive 15 minutes early to see the location, use the bathroom, and get comfortable after your transit.
enjoy the conversation: Finally, during your speaking test, it’s important to smile and enjoy the conversation. If you seem nervous or uncomfortable, your English skills might not shine through. So, do your best to enjoy yourself and stay calm and confident during your assessment.
Do you need help preparing for IELTS? Join our test prep program at MOSAIC engage. We currently have evening classes three nights a week to help you get the highest score you can. Click here for more info!
We are also an IELTS test centre operator with locations across Vancouver. Check out our convenient locations on our IELTS test page.