Language of the Day: Early birds


In English there is are quite a few idioms related to birds.

The most well-known is probably “The early bird gets the worm” which means that if you take action early, you will be more likely to succeed. If you wait too long, you could miss your chance.

If someone is the type of person who likes to wake up early and start their day, we can also call them an early bird. The opposite type of person, who stays up late and enjoys the nighttime, we call a night owl.

Another way we use “early bird” is when we talk about discounts. Sometimes a there might be a special sale for something if you buy it early. This is common with things like concert tickets or other events.

Did you know MOSAIC engage English Classes have an early bird discount? That’s right, every class we run is cheaper if you register in advance!

This discount English class is not only helpful for our students, but it helps us plan our semester when we know how many people to expect.

So if you’re interested in English classes, check out our registration portal at and take advantage of the early bird discount! It could save you $75 on your course fees, just for being an early bird!

Zach J