Language of the Day: Inclement Weather

Over the years I’ve heard questions from students once in a while that go something like: “Do you know every word in English?” or “How do you remember so many words?

A lot of people assume that native speakers know every word in the language, but that’s just not true. Today I’ll share with you an experience when I learned a new word.

Years ago I was on an airplane, almost ready to take off, when the pilot made an announcement that we would be delayed due to “inclement weather.” At the moment I had no idea what he was talking about. I actually had to take my phone out and google “inclement” to understand.

As it turns out, “Inclement weather” is a term often used to describe weather conditions that are either unsafe or undesirable for outdoor events. (Kind of like the weather out there today)

So what is the point of this story? Well, just to remind you that even native speakers are constantly learning new vocabulary words, so you’re not alone! You may never know every single word in the language, but there are plenty of strategies for you to expand your vocabulary.

You can try keeping a notebook of vocabulary words, for example, and making flashcards out of the words you learn.

Learning a language is a lifelong journey, whether you’re a learner or a native speaker, so don’t get disheartened.

As for the inclement weather today, stay safe out there everybody!

Zach J