Community Profile: Aldo

Meet our student Aldo, who has been taking classes with us at MOSAIC engage since June. This week he gave us an interview about himself and his experience in Canada. Thanks Aldo!


Tell me about yourself! 

I am Aldo and I am from Mexico. I’ve been in Vancouver for 8 months, I came with my wife. I like to play soccer and meet new people 

What made you to come to Canada instead of other countries? 

I lived here in Vancouver 8 years ago and I loved the way of living, security and calm. So when I got married I thought it would be nice to start a new life with my wife here.

What do you do when you are not studying neither working? 

I go out with my wife to know new places and restaurants in Vancouver and around, and I play soccer with friends

What are the big cultural differences in between your home country and Canada? 

There is not much party in Canada, usually in Mexico we gather with family and friends for any reason. In Canada people don't stay to hang out much. Also, the food is very different, here there is a lot of cultures and you can try different types of food. Another thing is that people in Canada are very polite and nice in traffic, while in Mexico everyone goes crazy.

Have you been traveling enough to get to know about your neighborhood?

If you say yes, where is your favourite place and why? Yes, I really like walking around. What I like the most is the bike path since it makes it very easy to move around and go anywhere.

How are you enjoying living in Canada and staying in MOSAIC? 

About Canada, I really enjoy the nature you see everywhere, the security and calm you feel and how clean and organized everything is. Mosaic has been a great place not only to learn english but to meet new people and have new friends from other countries. 

Zach J