Community Profile: Luz

Luz is currently part of our Intermediate level class. Read more to learn about Luz’s home country, Panama, as well as her experiences living in Vancouver. Thanks again, Luz, for taking the time to share this with us!

Tell us about yourself.

Hi everyone, My name is Luz and I'm from Panama, a little warm and beautiful country in Central America.  I arrived in Canada a year ago with my husband and my two children.  My husband is studying for an MBA, my children are in elementary school and I'm working.  Currently I have two part time jobs and sometimes I work hard but I know that I'm contributing to a better future for my family.  I love the beautiful landscapes and colors that this country offers, I enjoy taking pictures of flowers and trees, learning about different cultures and traditions, and of course trying different types of food from different countries.

How do you spend your free time in Vancouver?

Lately I haven't had much free time but I always try to spend time with my family, I love to accompany my kids to their activities and watch baseball games where my son plays.  Also I love to see new places, go to the parks and lakes.

What some challenges you’ve faced with moving to Canada?

For me the biggest challenge is to be able to communicate in English because I understand almost everything, but when it comes to conversations it is difficult and sometimes frustrating for me but I know I must be patient.  Another big challenge is the high cost of living in the city and it is one of the things that many of us agree on, but I know that with hard work, effort and dedication we will get ahead.

Which place would you recommend to someone visiting your country?

Panama is a small country but full of beautiful and exotic places. With just a few hours you can visit diverse rivers and beaches from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific.

I recommend visiting one or more of the 365 islands of the San Blas archipelago and swimming in its warm and crystalline waters is a very exciting experience.

Another interesting place is the Panama Canal, where ships and cruise ships cross from one ocean to another to shorten distances.

What are you hoping to achieve during your time at MOSAIC?

At Mosaic I have met incredible people from the staff who work here to my classmates who, like me, are focused on advancing in this challenging but not impossible test of learning the English language.

I hope that in a few months I will be able to start a conversation fluently and also be able to apply for a job that allows me to spend more time with my family. It is one of my biggest challenges but I know it is not impossible.

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