Community Profile: Robert

Robert joined the MOSAIC team earlier this year as an English Instructor. Read below for some study tips and travel recommendations!

Please tell us about yourself and what you do at MOSAIC.

I'm Robert and I've just joined the team at MOSAIC engage.  I've been in the field for 20 years, teaching English for University, Business, and preparing students for IELTS. 

Currently, I teach the Beginner Level classes at MOSAIC and I really enjoy helping my students learn and practice English.


What are some of your favourite places to visit in and around Vancouver?

I used to live on Beach Avenue.  On a Saturday morning, I used to walk to a place called Tartine (don't know if it's still there) and have a pastry and a coffee before boarding a seabus to Granville Island or to Science World.

Tell us about one of the best places you’ve travelled to and where would you like to go next.

Elephant Nature Park in Northern Thailand.  Working with rescued elephants was both a lovely, and heart-breaking experience and I would do it again when I have the funds to return.  Next destination?  I'd love to visit Ireland, the country of Georgia, and Bhutan.


What advice do you have for students who are new to learning English?

Put down the phone and the apps, visit the Public Library, and pick up a Penguin or Oxford graded reader that is one level below your actual level.  If the book is narrated (i.e. audio book), read along with the narrator so you can listen to how the words are pronounced and the sentences sound. 

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