Community Profile: Zach #2

Zach is the person who has been at MOSAIC engage the longest, so as we close out 2023, we prepared a second community profile for you featuring Zach’s interview.

Who are you and what do you do at MOSAIC engage?

My name is Zach and I’m the program coordinator for MOSAIC Engage English Classes. My job is planning and organizing all of our classes and supporting our teachers and admin staff.

When do you feel the most fulfilled during your MOSAIC engage work?

For me, the most fulfilling part of the job is hearing student feedback. When someone tells me that they learned a lot or that they loved coming to class, it makes me so happy. I’m glad we can provide these programs for everyone, no matter what their status in Canada.

Any exciting news we should be aware of with MOSAIC engage?

Yes! 2024 is going to be a big year for us. In January we will be opening new online classes so you can study English from anywhere in Vancouver or anywhere in the world! Then, in March, we will be opening a new location in Metrotown mall! I’m really excited to welcome new students and teachers into the program.

During winter, what activities we can do? What is your recommendation?

In the winter, I like to go ice skating at one of the community centres around Vancouver. That always brings back memories from my childhood. If you go to Robson Square, they even have it for free!

What is your goal in 2024 with MOSAIC engage? What do you want to achieve?

I guess I just want to see the program grow even bigger. We have welcomed nearly one thousand students to our classes this year!! So maybe next year we can teach two thousand?

Yeonkab J