IELTS Tips: Reading Test Instructions
Today we’ll be looking at the instructions for the Reading Test for both the IELTS paper-based and computer-based tests.
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Reading and understanding instructions is an important part of any test. Avoidable errors and mistakes are often made simply because test-takers skip over the instructions and dive right into the test.
Below we will look at the instructions for both the paper-based and computer-based Reading tests so that you are well-prepared for your test day!
IELTS Reading Test On Paper
In the actual test you will be given the following instructions:
Do not open this question paper until you are told to do so
Write your name and candidate number in the spaces at the top of the page
Read the instructions for each part of the paper carefully
Answer all the questions
Write your answers on the answer sheet; use a pencil
You must complete the answer sheet within the time limit
At the end of the test you will be asked to hand in both the question paper and your answer sheet.
IELTS Reading Test On Computer- Instructions
How to navigate the computer-based Reading test:
In the reading test, the text appears on the left of the screen and the questions appear on the right. In order to see all the text and the questions, you will need to use both scroll bars.
For some questions you need to choose an answer. If you want to change your answer, click on a new answer. If you want to leave a question unanswered, click on the answer again.
To look at the next question, click on the question itself.
For some questions, you need to choose more than one answer. If you want to change any of your answers, click on the answers you want to change and then click on your new answer.
For some questions, you need to choose which paragraph or section contains the information listed in the table. Remember to scroll to read all the text. For each question, click on the correct space in the table.
For some questions, you need to click on a heading for a paragraph or section and move it into the gap.
And for some questions, you need to fill in the gap by typing your answer on a gap in a diagram.
You can also make notes on a section of text. To do this, left-click and drag the cursor over the section of text or question you want to make notes about, then right-click and select the notes option. Your chosen section of text will be highlighted and a yellow notepad will appear which is where you can write your notes.