Language of the Day: Reality Check

Today we’ll look at some phrases that are used to express that moment when your mindset shifts and you suddenly become aware of the truth or see things in a different way which leads you to take action!

It is human nature to distract ourselves with creature comforts such as relaxing on the couch all evening while watching episode after episode of a Netflix series.

Although these guilty pleasures can be fun sometimes, we may also be subconsciously avoiding facing challenges and difficult truths which keep us from moving forward and growing.

Usually, when we get into a slump or develop a pattern that starts to become unhealthy, a little voice in our head starts to speak up and encourages us to re-claim our life!

Some common realizations are: “I won’t be young forever,” “I shouldn’t keep wasting time,” “I have to take control over my life,” “I have to make healthy choices,” or even the realization that you do have choices.

For example, maybe it’s always been your dream to play soccer. After years of imagining being part of team and hoping that the opportunity would just come up, one day you realize that you have to take your life into your own hands!

So, you look online and find a meet up group that plays soccer together once a week, and you join them!

Here are 3 different phrases you can use to describe the moment when you have that realization.

“I used to drink bottled water every day but when I calculated how much I spend on bottled water, it was a reality check for me, and now I only drink tap water.”

“I went to the dentist and found out that I have some cavities. Even though it is going to be costly to get the fillings, it was
a wake-up call and good reminder that I need to floss my teeth every night.”

“I had always wished that my friends were interested in gardening, and then one day
it suddenly hit me that I could start my own gardening group on Facebook.”

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