IELTS Tips: ‘Discuss Both Views’ Essays

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Today we’re taking a look at another of the 5 types of IELTS Writing Task 2 essays. A few weeks ago, we looked at solution essays (check out that post here) and this week we’re turning our eye to a phrase that you have probably heard before: discuss both views.

This type of essay might seem simple at first glance, but I have seen a number of writers go off the rails on these kinds of topics. So let’s dive in and take a closer look at the “discuss both views” style of essay, or “DVB” essays for short


 How do I know it’s a DBV essay? 

This is the easy part. Unlike other essay types which can sometimes be worded differently, a DBV essays will always contain those three magical words: Discuss Both Views. So, if you see them in your writing prompt, you will know exactly what you are expected to write.


‘Discuss Both Views’ is not the same as ‘Advantages and Disadvantages’

A very common mistake with DBV essays is when the writer confuses ‘two views’ with advantages and disadvantages. So, let’s look more closely at what the difference is and plan accordingly.

A DVB essay prompt might say:

Some people think that famous people can help international aid organizations to draw attention to important problems. Others believe that the celebrities can make the problems seem less important.

Discuss both views and give your opinion.

So, this prompt asks us to explore the topic of celebrity involvement in international aid. In answering this question, you might be tempted to discuss the pros and cons of having celebrities involved with this kind of work. After all, “some people” seem to be for it, and “others” seem to be against it. But this would be an incomplete answer.

DBV essays do not ask us to explore the benefits and drawbacks of a situation, even though the situation might have clear pros and cons. The prompt to “discuss both views” should be seen as an invitation to explore other people’s ideas.


Always ask yourself: What’s the purpose of the task?

Instead of focusing on the good and bad parts of the idea, focus on WHY some people think or feel one way. Then in the following paragraph, explore WHY others think or feel the opposite.

Let’s look at another example:

Some believe that more action should be taken to prevent crime, while others feel that crime is being tackled effectively now.

Discuss both sides and give your own opinion.

An essay like this one could easily turn into an advantage/disadvantage essay if you aren’t careful. Instead, remember to focus on why these groups have these opinions. Put yourself in their shoes and choose one or two possible reasons for their view.

Perhaps you might say that some people think more needs to be done to combat crime because:

·      crime is a major focus in the news every day

·      it’s natural to be concerned for one’s safety

·      technology has created new opportunities for criminals

Then, you could explore the reasons other people believe crime is already being dealt with in a reasonable way:

·      statistics show crime rates are lower than ever

·      punishments for many crimes are already very strict

·      prisons are already full


Did I ask for your opinion?

The last important point with DBV essays is whether to include your opinion or not. Both of the essay prompts in this article say “discuss both views give offer your own opinion,” so for these essays it is essential that you add your own opinion IN ADDITION to the two views.

You might agree with one view, or the other view. You might feel that neither view is correct. You might even decide that both views have valid points, but you can’t decide between them. Any opinion is alright as long as you give it.

However, on the rare occasion that the essay prompt does not ask for your opinion, do not give it as you could lose points. This is why it’s important to examine the question thoroughly before you start writing.


That’s all for this week. If you want to learn more about IELTS, stay tuned to this space. Good luck in your studies and thanks for reading!


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