Language of the Day: Flexible

Today’s language of the day is the word ‘flexible

You might be most familiar with this word when it comes to our bodies. If you are practicing yoga or doing a lot of stretching, you’re probably also quite flexible. That means your body can bend easily.

But did you know we use this word for more than just our bodies?

We can also be flexible with our attitude, our schedule, or the rules.

In these cases, flexible means we can easily adapt to new situations

For example:

“I’m busy on Mondays and Tuesdays, but on Wednesdays my schedule is a bit more flexible.”

“I was late handing in my essay, but thankfully the teacher was flexible.”

“The university offers a highly flexible degree program, with a range of options in each year of the course.”

“When it comes to living with your partner, you need to learn to be flexible.”

Zach J