Language of the Day: Follow Through

Today we’ll learn about a phrasal verb that is used to describe the action of continuing with an activity or process until completion.

The best way to learn about phrasal verbs is through visuals and examples. Following through basically means to stick to something until you have completed it and to do what you say!

Graduating from a program or school is a good example because it means that you have committed to something that you eventually achieved. Another similar phrasal verb is carry out which means to put something into action.

Here are some examples of how to use follow through:

“My manager has been promising me a promotion for over six months but she hasn’t followed through, so I think it’s time for me to start looking for another job.”

“This was the most challenging class I have ever taken and I thought about dropping out a few times, but I’m so glad that I followed through with my goals.”

“My classmates and I started a running club, but only two of us have been actually following through”.

“I have trouble trusting what he says because he rarely follows through with plans.”

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