Language of the Day: In, At, On

Prepositions are a tough topic for anyone learning a new language, so today let’s take a look at one of the most confusing sets of prepositions in English: IN, AT, and ON

First of all, these prepositions can be used for a wide range of situations, but this post will focus on their use for telling TIME.

AT is used for:

  • specific times such as times of the day (at 4 o’clock / at midnight)

  • meal times (at lunchtime / at breakfast)

  • holidays (at Christmas / at the weekend), etc.

ON is used for:

  • days (on Monday / On Tuesday)

  • dates (on February 15th / on July 1st)

  • specific parts of a day (on Monday morning / on Saturday night), etc.

IN is used for:

  • months (in June / in February)

  • years (in 1985 / in 2020)

  • periods of time (in the summer / in the 80s), etc.

Now it’s time to check your understanding. See the questions below and take a guess which preposition is missing. Scroll down even further for the answers.

Zach J