Valeria Alcaraz Jiménez

Currently based on the unceded territory of the Coast Salish People, Valeria (She/Her) is a researcher, coordinator, and teacher passionate about transformative justice. She is a queer and neurodivergent Latina immigrant exploring her role in a settler country, devoting her academic and professional time to demonstrating the potential of love (for oneself and the community) as the moving force to achieve sustainable societal change. Inspired by the IBPOC voices at the conjunctions of feminism and disability, Valeria takes a compassionate approach to every encounter to remind everyone, herself included, that imperfection is valid and highly valuable. She recognizes the pathway towards equity as one of constant and reciprocal learning, cheering for people to lean into the discomfort of the unknown to gather the strength that fosters connection(s) to create a joyful and respectful society. 


Valeria has more than five years of experience contributing towards empowering diverse groups by identifying barriers and needs to establish accountable spaces. She focuses on youth but welcomes everyone at every stage of their journey. Before joining MOSAIC, she worked as a researcher for the Equity Office at the City of Vancouver and as Teaching Assistant at the Social Justice Institute (UBC). Valeria holds a Bachelor's in Literature (Universidad de las Americas Puebla, 2018) and a Master of Arts in Gender, Race, Sexuality, and Social Justice (University of British Columbia, 2022). 

Zach J