Language of the Day: Mindfulness

The practice of Mindfulness or being mindful basically means being present in the moment and focusing your attention on yourself, your environment, or the activity you are taking part in.

With all of the stimulation from our smart phones and other devices, it can be challenging to focus on one thing at a time. Sometimes we have to multi-task, which is an important skill to develop, however, other times we may reach for our phones to distract us from the task at hand.

Mindfulness not only requires us to focus our attention, but it also encourages us to feel gratitude, which can lower stress levels and make almost anything more enjoyable!

For example, if you drink a cup of coffee or tea in the morning, do you focus on the smell and taste of the coffee, the feeling of the warm cup between your hands, and feel a sense of appreciation for this moment of relaxation and reflection before starting your day?

Or are you checking your social media while taking sips from your cup and worrying about an email you sent the day before?

Of course, we don’t always have the time to be mindful because life can be busy and demanding! But we can mindfully set aside some time to practice mindfulness.

Here are some examples of mindful practices:

  • take a short walk and observe nature or your surroundings.

  • practice a breathing exercise or meditation technique.

  • eat a meal (without your smartphone!) and focus on the taste and texture of the food.

  • feel gratitude for whatever you are experiencing in the moment, whether you are grateful for your friends, the opportunity to travel or live abroad or for facing a new challenge. Allow yourself to feel what you’re feeling!

The last point is especially important for students learning English and newcomers to Canada. It can feel very overwhelming to be living in a new country and culture while also learning a new language.

If you’re feeling stressed out or discouraged, stop what you’re doing and look around. Look at how far you’ve come! It’s not easy to learn a second or third language, but you’re doing it!

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