Anna Miniaci

Drawing on their experiences as a mixed-race and queer settler living in Canada and passion for working reciprocally within their communities, Anna (she/they) is interested in the ways race, class, sexuality, gender, and social institutions affect the lives of individuals and shape societies. 

Prior to joining MOSAIC, Anna worked as a Teaching and Research Assistant, and Course Contributor for the Sociology Department and Gender, Race, Sexuality and Social Justice Institute while completing their master’s degree at the University of British Columbia. While completing their graduate studies Anna had the pleasure of working as a co-editor and author alongside Dr. Katherine Lyon and Kayonne Christy on the academic publication “COVID-19 and Society” (2021) which focused on Covid-19’s impacts on Canadian society.

As an Instructional Developer for Equity, Diversity and Inclusion with the Centre for Diversity for MOSAIC Employment, Language and Social Enterprise, Anna is eager and committed to continue working reciprocally with individuals in and outside their communities on societal issues and further opening conversations on race, class, gender, sexuality, and anti-racism.

They hold a BA in Liberal Arts (Capilano University, 2019) and an MA in Gender, Race, Sexuality and Social Justice (University of British Columbia, 2022).

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